Pico-8 API Customizer

To use the API inside of Pico-8, you'll need to copy some code into your game. Since Pico-8 enforces a maximum-count of 8192 Lua tokens per cartridge, you might need to be careful about how many you can afford to "spend" on API features. Each of the options below previews how many tokens you would spend or save if it was selected. If you're not familiar with Lua tokens, the general idea is that "more code" means "more tokens."

The code that this page outputs, and the documentation that it displays, will change as you select features. Because of that, I recommend picking your features first, then diving into the docs afterward to see how to integrate them into your game.

If you have questions or find bugs in the Newgrounds Pico-8 API, feel free to send me a message on Twitter.

This API is intended for use with Pico-8 0.2.0 and later.
If your game already uses the "GPIO" feature for talking to javascript, you'll need to merge your comms system with mine. Message me if you want some help understanding how this wrapper's lua-to-js communication works!


Current price: 0 tokens


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